We’ve got you covered

Here you’ll find the latest forms to assist you in your journey. View and Download the PDF’s below

Students walking up the stairs at our campus.

Financial Aid
Secure Uploader

Securely upload your documents using the Secure Uploader. Some documents you may need to upload include Financial Aid Status Letters, Tax forms, Child Care Grant Applications, Maximum Timeframe Appeals, and more. Processing of submitted documents can take up to four weeks. Any updates or requests for additional information will be sent to your Saint Paul College email. 

NOTE: Access to PDF (Portable Document Format) files requires a
PDF viewer, such as Adobe Reader (which is available as a free download).  

Below are commonly needed forms to receive financial aid at Saint Paul College.

Financial Aid Forms

Consortium Agreement

This is a process by which students can add credits from another college or university to their credits at Saint Paul College to possibly increase their financial aid eligibility. 

Dependency Override Appeal

This appeal is used when a dependent student doesn’t meet the federal “independent” status criteria on their FAFSA application but would like their unique circumstances reviewed to be considered an independent student for financial aid purposes. 

Income Adjustment Appeal

This appeal is for when a student’s current income (and/or parent’s income for dependent students) is significantly lower than the income reported on the FAFSA from circumstances outside their control. Submit this appeal if you want your lower income to be considered for financial aid. Documentation is required. 

Loan Adjustment Request

Submit an increase to a loan request, reduce a future loan disbursement, or reinstate previously canceled loans. 

Maximum Timeframe Suspension Appeal

Appeal for students currently on a Maximum Timeframe Suspension. For the appeal to be reviewed, students must be registered for the courses they want approved. Students may need to reapply each semester to continue receiving financial aid. 

Minnesota Childcare Grant Application

This is a grant for students who are Minnesota residents, have children ages 12 and under (and age 14 and under if handicapped), have financial need, and have child care expenses. 

MN State Grant Student Eligibility Questionnaire

The form is used to help determine student eligibility for the MN State Grant. You may be asked to complete this form if the Financial Aid Office cannot determine your eligibility. 

Request for Transcript of Tax Return

This IRS form requests a tax transcript from the Internal Revenue Service. The form is typically needed for federal verification of income, and it must be mailed or faxed to the IRS. 

Verification of Non-Filing statement

This form is used as a substitute for non-filing documents from the IRS. 

Non-Tax Filer

Family Size

2 forms available; 1 for dependent student & 1 for independent student

Student Records
Secure Uploader

Securely upload your documents using the Secure Uploader. Submitted documents can take up to four weeks for processing. Any updates or requests for additional information will be sent to your Saint Paul College email. 

Student Records Forms

Academic Forgiveness Form

Submit this form to request a one-time opportunity to have grades forgiven for up to two semesters.

Accuplacer Assessment Score Report Request Form

This form is for students requesting their ACCUPLACER assessment testing data sent to a third party. Saint Paul College only has access to official ACCUPLACER score reports for up to 5 years.

Please Note: Placements determined by the D2L Reading and English Assessment, Guided Self-Placement, and/or the Pearson MyMath Assessment are specific to Saint Paul College. Placement scores from these assessments may not be recognized at other MinnState Institutions.

Assessment Waiver Request

Saint Paul College can use any of the following to waive assessments: 

  • Unofficial transcripts from a college or university with a grade of C or higher 
  • ACT/SAT/MCA scores within the last five years 
  • AP classes in which the college-level assessment was passed with a three or higher 
  • IB classes in which the college-level assessment was passed with a four or higher 
  • Obtain unofficial transcript(s) of College in The School classes 
  • High School transcripts with a GPA of 2.8 or higher within the last ten years 

Fill in boxes and attach unofficial transcripts or score reports. Please allow three business days for a response. An asterisk (*) indicates a response is required. 

Change of Major eForm

To change your major for the current semester, submit this form by the end of the first week of the semester. You can also submit it at any time to change your major for a future semester.

Course Registration Permission Request

Does your class have a required prerequisite? Have you taken courses at another school that might qualify? Fill out a Permission Request Form below, and we’ll take a look! 

You will need the following information to complete the Course Registration Permission Request Form: 

  1. Subject and Number of the course you would like to register for at Saint Paul College (ex: CHEM 1711) 
  1. Name of the college where you completed the prerequisite 
  1. Subject and Number of the prerequisite you took at the previous college (ex: CHEM 1700) 
  1. PDF of Transcript (all documents must include full name of student and name of college). 

You will receive an email response within three full business days. If your course registration permission request is approved, you can register after receiving our email response. 

Immunization Record eForm

Submit this eform to provide the College with information concerning your immunization records.

Transcript Requests

When you print your academic transcript from your student account, this is an unofficial transcript. An unofficial transcript may be used for academic advising. If you need an official transcript to be sent to a third party, you can request an official transcript online

To view an unofficial transcript: 

  • Visit eServices  
  • Log in with Star ID and password. 
  • Select Academic Record from the left side menu. 
  • Select Unofficial Transcripts. 
  • Select chronological and Get Academic Record 
  • View, print, or save your unofficial transcript. 

NOTE: Remember to LOGOUT at the end of your session and close your browser. 

Additional Student Records Forms

Audit Status Request Form

Submit this form during the first week of the semester to request to audit a course.

Add/Drop Registration Form

Submit this form to request to add a course after the add deadline, add a course that is full, or change an FN or FW grade to a W.

Change of Information eForm

Submit this eform to change your legal name, change your personal email address, change your home phone number or personal phone number, change your social security number, change your mailing address, and/or change your birth date.

Grade Appeal Form

Submit this form within 30 days of receiving a final grade to appeal the assigned grade.

Non-Disclosure of Student Data Form

Submit this form to prohibit Saint Paul College from releasing your directory information to the public.

Postsecondary Enrollment Options (PSEO) Application

Use this link to access the application materials for PSEO students.

Release of Information eForm

Submit this eform to authorize the College to release your records to a third party.

Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) Appeal eForm

Submit this eform to appeal your academic and/or financial aid suspension.

Transfer Evaluation Appeal Form

Submit this form after completing your transfer evaluation to appeal how credit is transferred to the College.

Tuition Appeal eForm

Submit this eForm to request to have courses dropped after the drop deadline or to request to have courses withdrawn after the withdrawal deadline.

Advising Forms

Academic Planning Weekly Schedule
Students use this form to visually map out their daily schedule, including work, school, home obligations, etcetera. 

Academic Warning
Students on Academic Warning are required to complete this form in order to remove the registration hold on their account, and are encouraged to meet with their assigned advisor to discuss their academic standing. 

Academic Warning means a student is not meeting the requirements for Satisfactory Academic Progress: cumulative GPA of 2.0 and cumulative completion rate of 66.67%. While a student is on Academic Warning, they will have one semester to bring their cumulative GPA and/or cumulative completion rate back up to the required standards to avoid an academic suspension. If you have questions about your academic standing, please contact your Advisor. We’re here to help! 

Academic Planning Worksheet
Students use this form as a rough guide to plan how they will complete their program by semester. 

Academic Probation Agreement
Students approved to return from suspension after submitting a successful appeal, are required to complete this eform during a scheduled ‘return from suspension’ meeting with their advisor. 

Appeal Academic/Financial Aid Suspension – Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) Appeal eForm
Submit this eform to appeal your academic and/or financial aid suspension. 

Third Attempt Request eForm
Submit this eform to request to register for a course for a third time. 

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